If you pass our 40-question exam at the 90% level, meaning you really understood most of the material in this particular course, you can elect to receive a personalized version of the certificate below. Especially energetic students might consider reading the questions before or while going through the course videos, rather than trying to grasp all the information and have it available at the end of lesson 12 for taking the test. This is why the exam is posted right at the top of the "supporting material" section in your dashboard. If the questions seem a bit too "financial" at first, do just cruise through the lessons thoughtfully, and then consider the exam again. Hopefully, many of the questions might not then seem so strange. It can help if you know Excel, and as mentioned in the course, this is good to know in any case, regardless of what types of investments you might consider.
By the way, if you earn this certificate, you can consider putting it in your LinkedIn page, personnel file at work, and perhaps other places where it might be productive for you, as it explains the nature of the material you have learned, which is both somewhat technical and also strategic in nature.