Real Estate Realities 101 - The 12 Lesson Outlines:

 Lesson 1: The Hype, the Realities, the Risks - What to Not Do. Very Brief Overview of Course | Unreality of the Hype | What to NOT do . . . | Nature of the Risks You Face | Is This a Reasonable Type of Investment?

Lesson 2: Where Are You Now - - - How Do You Like Your Risks? What are your Skills? | What Are your Desires? | Risks in the Financial Environment | The Critical Concept of "tax basis" | Your Most Valuable Asset

Lesson 3: Is Real Estate the Best Way to Go? Our Absolutely Crazy Investment Environment Right Now | There Are No Blue Chip Stocks | Annuities | Bonds Are Better? | Your Own Business? | Your Career As An Investment?

Lesson 4: Why Is Real Estate Attractive? The Glory of Debt? | Possible Cash Flow? | Painful Realities of Inflation | Tax Shelter via Real Estate? |The Joy of Control

Lesson 5: Drawbacks to Investing in Real Estate. How to Confront Risk | RE Going Down | Extreme Leverage of Interest Rates | Legal Exposures | Tenant Turnover | Insurance Realities | Transaction Costs Huge | Risk with Different Deal Structures

Lesson 6: What to Buy - How to Structure. The Golden Target | Specific Problems to Seriously Avoid | How to Find Deals | Your Absolutely Target Market | How to Structure Specific Deals | Types of Projects to Reject Out of Hand | REITs as a Possible Alternative?

Lesson 7: What to Fix - If Anything. A Walk Through Numerous Higher Payoff Choices | Penciling A Benefit Cost Analysis - Backwards | Practical Project Management | Working With Contractors | Permits | Mistakes of Many Sellers

Lesson 8: What to Do Next: Wholesale, Flip, Landlord or - - Pioneer. What are Your Personal Circumstances - Now? |The Four Choices and their Implications | The Key to Results in this Field | Which of the Four Approaches is Best? | Realistic Flipping Case Study | Negotiating Tactics | Foreclosure vs Option | Double Escrow Concept | Pro Forma Calculations | More on Our Weird Current Investing Environment | Protecting Against Economic Collapse | Again - What is a Good Practical Investment?

Lesson 9: The Art and Reality of Property Management. Your Skills ? | No Mister Nice Guy | The Risks - the Many Risks | Best Form of Ownership? | Reducing Chances of Getting Sued |The Agreement | Tenant Selection | Removing Tenants | Professional Management? | Seeing Your Real Estate Investments in Perspective: Inflation, Cash Flow, Security

Lesson 10: Bigger Fish - Apartments, Office Buildings, etc. Realities of Each Alternative | How to Value Them - Cap Rate, Cash on Cash, etc and other Dangerous Shortcuts | Best Method to Evaluate Investments | Practical Realities of the Most Basic Concept In Finance | Professionally Evaluating Competing Investments | Impact of Selling Costs | Condition of Title Implications | Other Hidden Risks in Valuation | Six Possible Negotiation Alternatives with Bigger Fish | A Practical Plan to Move Ahead

Lesson 11: Death & Taxes - How to Get Out Alive. Active vs Passive Investments | Nine Alternatives and their Tax Implications | Just Die | Sell and Pay Taxes | Sell & Defer Taxes | Move In - Sell Later | Newer Tax Rules | Create MIL | 1031 Exchange Up | Shift to Triple Net Leases | Consider an upReit | Donate Appreciated RE to Charity - Implications of a CRT.

Lesson 12 - What is Best for You - Now? Three Alternative Starting Points | Serious Implications of this Type of Commitment | What are You Willing to Put Up With? | Hobby, Job or Way of Life? | Are the Weekend Seminars Realistic: Practical Implications of their Implied "Full Blast Approach" | Size of Your Challenges vs Size of You | Learning from Captain Kirk | Possible Collaboration on Interesting Issues